Saturday, July 29, 2006


Originally uploaded by Runs With Scissors.
The truck stops came as some bit of relief during a 18-hour drive from Urbana, Illinois to New York City. They were not ony place to empty our stressed bladders, but a welcomed reprieve from big-named, very recognizable resturuants and stores.

Amantha and I stopped once to spend the night in Haute Heights, Ohio near Akrin. We drove around a bit before we settled on which motel we'd spend the night in and again in the morning looking for a bookstore in hopes of buying a audio-book.

Driving along the main roads of these towns makes rattles my nerves. I'm not certain why, but the brightly colored fast food resturuants, the bold and bright facades of every nationally recornizable business screams at me, distracting me from the road and the traffic around me. It's as if each one of these businesses is trying to be as big and blod as a television advertisement.

Thinking back to the time when my parents would jam my sister and I along with piles of bags and other stuff into the back seat of a Volkswagen Beattle, I remember there being far more large billboards on our nation's roads than there are today.

Is it just me?


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