Monday, December 12, 2005

Working Up The Nerve

I ask myself each morning, I'm I ready to take the BIG camera out and randomly shoot people in New York City?

When I was a teenager growing upin New York City I never had a problem taking what i thought were expensive lenses and fancy Canon F-1 cameras into the subway, walk up and into people's faces and release a shutter. Strange what age will do.

I took the image above while pretending to play with my camera's buttons, holding the camera on my knee and pointing. I took three shots in all.

The woman on the left caught my attention when she came onto the subway car - - I mean look at all the colors she has on! She boards the train and swings those neon blue plastic bags onto the seat hitting the woman on the right. No words are exchanged. The woman on the rights looks up once and quickly looks the other way as the other just stares her down - - maybe it was that exhange that made me reluctant to put a Canon D10 digital SLR to my face.

It's not easy teaching myself how to run with scissors again.


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